3 Ways to Get Rid of the Stigma of Mental Health | Tips for Boosting Employee Mental Health and Well-Being at Work

With the soaring rate of mental health issues in the workforce, many organizations are taking action to tackle the problem. But there is still a lot of stigma around mental health issues, which can often prevent these issues from seeking help.

Mental Health Stigma

Every employer should be concerned about the emotional well-being of their employees. No matter how small your business is, it makes sense to have a well-run emotional health policy. What Does an Employee Well-Being Policy Look Like? The four pillars of employee well-being are mental health, work-life balance, physical health, and purpose/passion. All employees should feel secure enough in their work to speak out about their mental health issues.

This stigma around mental health needs to change. Although, there are still a lot of myths surrounding mental health in the workplace. For example, having a mental health policy is seen as an extra cost.

The Importance of Employee Mental Health and Well-Being

The World Health Organization reports that more than 300 million people worldwide are affected by mental health issues, with 75% of these affected having a co-existing physical illness. This puts mental health problems on par with issues like diabetes and heart disease and puts them in the same category as physical ailments. The statistics have also been blunted by the lack of specialized support and care networks for mental health problems. This leaves people without access to both care and mental health care – making them at higher risk for more severe symptoms.


3 Ways to Get Rid of the Stigma of Mental Health

When it comes to mental health, it is often difficult to get employers to understand that there is a real problem with mental health within their workforce. They see it as a sign of weakness, and huge business risk because, in today’s marketplace, employees view good mental health as an essential piece of a successful career. The stigma around mental health issues often prevents people from talking about their problems and prevents them from getting the help that they need. It is for this reason that many employers and HR departments are now aware of the growing issue of workplace mental health. Mental health issues cause productivity to take a hit and also often cause people to leave the workplace altogether.

Create a Safe Space

These days, there are many tools available to facilitate online support for any employee who feels they may be suffering from mental health issues. By using technology to help facilitate a safe space, you can provide employees with the support they need to seek out professional help. These can be good links to clinical guidelines and about the mental health services in your area. Offer Psychological First Aid Training and take advantage of the chance to implement an employee mental health program to provide your employees with the help they need. Educate them about the signs of mental health issues, what they mean to you, and the steps you can take to help them.

Offer Mental Health Awareness Training

As a company leader, you can demonstrate your company's commitment to good mental health by adopting an employee assistance program. An employee assistance program involves mental health support for all employees, such as stress reduction workshops and psycho-education programs, as well as crisis and professional counseling, including face-to-face consultations, video calls, and even instant messaging. By putting in place an employee assistance program, employers can remove the stigma surrounding mental health by showing that everyone is welcome to seek support without fear of judgment. 

Supporting your teammates With Mental Health Challenges. Workplace bullying is becoming increasingly more common, especially in the world of technology.

Let Them Know They're Not Alone

One of the biggest barriers in the prevention of mental health problems is feeling like you're the only one through it. Studies have found that around 41 percent of employees have suffered from stress and depression in the past year, and with the advent of new technologies, including texting, email, and social media, this number has increased. If employees are feeling isolated, they may feel that no one else is experiencing mental health issues, and this can have a significant effect on people's and motivation. When knows that they aren't alone in the situation it can help boost their confidence in seeking help and, hopefully, help decrease their risk of mental health issues in the future.

It's only natural to seek assistance when we fall or are injured since it hurts, and we want to feel better. However, many people are hesitant to seek care in the same way they would for a physical injury if they are experiencing internal anguish, loneliness, sadness, anxiety, isolation, or hopelessness, or if they believe others are criticizing them of their mental illness.

Read on to learn more about how to treat yourself or a loved one who is suffering from mental illness on Stigma Health